Greetings! I must apologize, we have yet to finalize any ship designs to the point where they are ready for de-classification. What I can tell you though is, we have identified several ship classes that you may find of interest. As the designs are finalized you will be able to view and download the images as a companion to the books.
Catholic Faction
- Templar Battleship
- Jesuit Carrier
- Franciscan Cruiser
- Benedictine Destroyer
- Assisian Medical Ship
Martian Freethinkers
- Dark Boats
- Orbital Defensive Stations
- Spinners (Passenger ships)
- Zeros (Miscellaneous transporters)
Weapon Systems
- Torpedoes
- Laser Canons
- Bessel Beams (Still under feasibility review)
- Proton Cannons (Still under feasibility review)
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